FlowCast RJ Kayser FlowCast RJ Kayser

Passion Over Profits | FlowCast #39 with Siam Grobler

I had a blast recording this episode of the podcast with Siam Grobler! Si is part of the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce member relations team, and a course instructor in social enterprise at Trent University while working on his MBA.

Want to learn more about how to start a podcast of your own?

Si was very curious about the inner workings of the podcast, so stick around after the end credits if you’re interested in more of the behind-the-scenes details on the gear used to record the FlowCast and how measuring analytics for podcasts works.

2:00 - Welcome Siam Grobler to the show

2:30 - Introvert or Extrovert?

4:45 - Is extroversion shallow

7:00 - Not being afraid of messing up - no one’s going to die

10:00 - Remembering people’s names*

12:00 - Shout out to Josh Chessman

15:00 - Let your subconscious do your work

16:30 - Giving the Peterborough Chamber a personality*

17:45 - Working for GE - water division

19:00 - Running out of hard drive space

21:00 - Writing in paper journals - it sticks better

22:45 - Teaching and taking notes digitally

27:00 - Digital calendars

28:00 - Excelling with productivity * → 33:00

33:00 - Seasons of Strongman * - 34:30

34:30 - Si’s educational background

36:30 - What led Si on his educational route

41:00 - Getting started in a sales position

43:15 - Switching gears again into an MBA

43:45 - You can change *

46:00 - Being a widget for a company

53:45 - What does social enterprise mean?

57:15 - Sponsoring Ptbo Musicfest

59:30 - Giving back in your own way

1:00 - Bell Let’s Talk Day

1:01 - Does the motivation matter?

1:03:00 - Can someone start a business purely for the motive of the profit?*

1:07:00 - Peterborough community cares

1:09:00 - The Queen of Versailles

1:11:00 - Warren Buffet not greedy

1:13:30 - It’s shallow to just be for profit but you can do it

1:14:30 - How to set up a podcast (bonus content)


Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people

Ryder Carroll - The Bullet Journal Method

Indistracatble - Nir Eyal

Hero With a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

Documentary - The Queen of Versaille

Poor Charlie’s Almanack

HBO Documentary - Warren Buffet

Subscribe to the FlowCast on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-flowcast/id1456647259



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flowspaon/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlowSpaON/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/flowspaon

The FlowCast is brought to you by Flow Spa. Flow Spa is Peterborough’s float therapy and sports recovery centre, dedicated to providing the ultimate relaxation experience. Whether you need physical relief from pain or a deep state of mental relaxation and calm or the best methods of recovery from athletic training, Flow Spa is where you can Find Your Flow.

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FlowCast RJ Kayser FlowCast RJ Kayser

FlowCast #7 | Mallory Graham - Digital Marketing as a Minimalist

In this episode I tried out a new podcasting setup but also happened to be doing it at a time where there were some brief instances of background noise. I apologize for this and will work on smoothing out our quiet place for podcasting.

Show Notes (time stamps may have gotten a little off track):

8:20 - Where Mallory’s passions lie

16:00 - Where small businesses should start with online marketing

19:00 - Digital Marketing Strategy - what’s the point of a post?

21:30 - Mallory’s thoughts on “Document don’t Create”

24:00 - What’s your competitive advantage?

26:30 - Micro-content - how much is too much?

31:20 - Are you just afraid to post something?

35:30 - Picking your platforms

38:30 - Digital Minimalism

43:00 - Being Present and going all in

44:30 - Followers vs. follower count and Instagram tactics

Books Mentioned:

Digital Marketing Strategy - Mallory Graham

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook - Gary Vaynerchuk

Crushing It! - Gary Vaynerchuk

Crush It - Gary Vaynerchuk

Digital Minimalism- Cal Newport

Atomic Habits - James Clear

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