Mindfulness RJ Kayser Mindfulness RJ Kayser

How To Stop The Doomscrolling- Mindful Consumption of News and Negative Media

Have you found yourself droomscrolling a lot lately?

All of us have been stuck in that negative loop our fair share this year. Doomscrolling is the name that has been given to the compulsion to scroll through and consume negative news on social media.

When you keep refreshing and going through your feed to see what other bad news pops up, it becomes a behaviour that we reactively want to repeat even though it negatively impacts our feelings of well-being through leading to a greater risk of anxiety and depression.

So what can we do about it?

Here are some ways that we can stop the doomscrolling and work on consuming the news on social media in a way that won’t have such a negative impact on us.

Stopping the Doomscrolling

First off, it’s important to recognize the problem. When COVID-19 first hit back in the spring and as all the certainty in the world started to shift, I found myself constantly watching the news for updates and refreshing my Facebook feed. I didn’t realize it at first, you never do, but this was leading me to a heightened state of anxiety and generally not feeling very good.

When I finally came to the realization of what I had been doing, I decided to distance myself from the news and take steps to stay off of social media regularly throughout the day. I figured if there was some urgent information that I needed to know, someone would tell me about it, or I could gather all the info I needed in half an hour or so twice a day.

Almost instantly, I was able to focus better again and felt a lot less of that mental tension.

Recognizing that you’re doomscrolling is a great first step to getting it under control and reducing that stress and tension on yourself.

Now, let’s look at some of the ways we can more appropriately use our digital devices and have them work for us by reducing the temptation to doomscroll.

Time Blocking

The first step will work well if you like to stick to an agenda and have a calendar in place for your day. Time Blocking means deciding ahead of time what you will be doing at certain times throughout the day, usually in blocks of anywhere from 30-120 minutes. During these blocks of time, you focus on a single task that has been predetermined.

To avoid constant doomscrolling throughout the day you would set up time blocks where you allow yourself to check the news and get on social media. I like to do this for myself at 10:30 am and 4:30 pm for half an hour at most.

Time blocking requires a good amount of self-discipline to stick to on its own which is why it helps to combine it with additional restraints.

Set Up Your Time Limits

Just about every device out there now has an app that can notify you when you reach a time limit for access to certain social media apps or websites. With Screen Time on the iPhone for example, you can see exactly how much time is spent on entertainment apps or social media and then set up a Time Limit to block you out of the app at certain times throughout the day as well as after you’ve hit a certain time limit.

To avoid the negative effects of doomscrolling it’s a really good idea to take a few minutes to set this up for yourself. You can be liberal with your access at first and gradually reduce your time limit as you get more used to the constraints. You’ll be surprised how much more productive and happy you’ll feel by not constantly checking the news and social media.

Give Yourself Even More Freedom

You can still get through the barrier of the default time limit apps on phones and tablets with relative ease, so if that doesn’t hold back your desire to check social media, there’s more we can do. An additional step that takes it a bit further is to use software like Freedom, which completely blocks your internet access or locks you out of certain apps during set times that you easily program it for. If you know that you’re going to gloss over any reminder that your time limit is up with an app or website, the power of Freedom is well worth the small cost to buy this software.

I use Freedom to block me out of all email apps and social media sites in the morning so that I can focus on important tasks and projects without the distraction of inboxes. Since I know that there’s no way around Freedom’s block on my internet access, I have no choice but to focus on my work or sit there and twiddle my thumbs. It’s a great name for the software because it really does give you a greater sense of Freedom.

Newsfeed Eradicator

If the negativity of social media is really wearing you down these days, one of the best things you can do is avoid that doomscrolling altogether by eradicating it. With certain desktop browsers like Chrome, you can download extensions like the Facebook Newsfeed Eradicator which takes away your newsfeed and replaces it with an inspirational quote. You can still check your social media for messages and notifications directed towards you and look in on the groups and pages you like at your discretion but you won’t have a news feed compelling you to scroll through relentlessly.

Content Planning Apps

A lot of us use social media as a way to promote our businesses and other creative expressions and if this is important to you, using a content planner like Hootsuite, Buffer, Later, or Publer can help you to spend less time on social media while still sharing your message.

You can batch your content and schedule it to go out when you want so that you’re not needing to load up a social media app and possibly get caught in a doomscroll when you go to share something that you have created. This can save you tons of time and also make managing your social media usage much simpler.

Our brains are hardwired to doomscroll. It comes from a time where we had to be hyper-vigilant to threats in our environment and now that we partly exist in a virtual environment, that’s where our brains turn to seek out threats.

Recognize that this is a perfectly normal response to uncertainty and that there are steps you can take to mitigate the risk and the stress doomscrolling may be causing to your system. Use the apps and the strategies above to create some healthier boundaries with social media and news sites so that you can feel better.

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Wellness, Mindfulness RJ Kayser Wellness, Mindfulness RJ Kayser

Digital Minimalism - A Podcast Prologue

This week we’ve got a big and important podcast episode for you and I wanted to clear some the thoughts in my head for it prior to the recording because it’s a topic that I’m passionate about and have been studying a lot about in the past few years.

So before I go off rambling on the podcast I wanted to refine my thoughts and target the conversation to be actionable as well as perhaps eye-opening to some of our audience.

The topic is Digital Minimalism.

Who’s In Control?

Several books in the last few years have started to rally towards the need for more control when it comes to all the great and powerful technologies we have in our lives today. At the heart of digital minimalism is the realization that we are becoming slaves to our digital devices in many ways.

This sounds like some sort of sci-fi dystopian scare tactic but it isn’t. Not yet at least.

Technologies do a lot of great things for us but we are evolutionary beings with incredible susceptibility to the shiny object that stimulates the reward centres in our brains the most. This is what technologies like smartphones and social media apps do best, and not by accident. There are many scientists and engineers behind these technologies while their sole job being to make them as addicting as possible. The same people who design slot machines in casinos are working for companies like Facebook or inspiring the work of their software engineers.

Social media sites want you to stay on them longer, because as the whistleblowers and people making cautionary statements about social media say, we the consumer are the commodity being sold to the real customers who are the big companies and ad agencies buying ad space on the likes of social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Furthermore, these companies are taking ownership of the data of our lives - where we live, where we travel to, what we do every day, and the questions that we are Googling. These data points are refining our digital experience and also being sold for big bucks to the highest bidder wanting our personal data.

It sounds a little scary and it can be if you are an unwitting subject to this reality without making informed decisions and operating with some restraint and forewarning.

Is Social Media Really An Issue, Or Something We Need To Accept?

Many people on the opposite end of the spectrum say that there’s nothing wrong with this and it’s just the way the world works today but that’s not entirely accurate to say. Not only because it’s exploitation on our susceptible biology that we want the easy and immediate rewards in our lives - delayed gratification is a product of our consciousness and insatiable need for growth as human beings and not what we as animals have evolved to want to do. (Have you ever seen a dog pass up a treat in exchange for TWO treats later? NO! And not just because the dog will beg for more treats later).

But this delayed gratification is something that we can and often do as humans to achieve greater meaning. You can have your cake and eat it too but you’ve got to use moderation in the short-term to achieve those bigger goals.

The other reason that the argument that we just have to accept the way the world is today is missing the point is that excessive use of social media, which is ubiquitous, is harmful to our health. Social media has been correlated with an exponential increase in anxiety on college campuses. Social media researchers are showing that the ease of access to social media is making us feel more lonely and socially isolated. When it’s easier to jump on Instagram and double-tap that photo of your friend’s food rather than meeting to go out for dinner together and turn your phones off to have a deep and undistracted conversation or binge-watch Netflix instead of getting together with friends to go hiking when you feel a little “blah” it becomes a real problem for our ability to have those conversations and truly live as a tribe.

It’s true that we’ve far-surpassed our tribal connection which Dunbar’s number considers being 150 people and we may use that in a very empowering way to expand our reach and opportunities in this world but how many of those people would really be there for you if you needed them? That’s one of the issues and the dichotomy between having stable social relationships and those superficial relationships that “Liking” and “Retweeting” online give us.

So what can we do about it?

The Solution For Social Media Addiction

First, recognize.

Recognize that feeling of malaise that you get when you’ve glued yourself to the couch binge-watching Game of Thrones (not to mention the sobbing uncontrollably when another of your favourite characters gets his or her head lopped off).

Recognize that you’ve swiped through all of the latest photos from your friends and all of their Stories are just pictures directing you to check out their feed post on their bio.

Recognize that there’s more to the world than what’s happening on the five-inch piece of glass glowing so bright that it affects your melatonin production and sleep quality.

And once you recognize, take small steps (or big ones) to make a change.

Digital Detox

Digital Detoxes like the one Cal Newport suggests in his book Digital Minimalism are the best way to completely reset and pull the tentacles of addiction out of your skull for good. Small steps are less impactful but you’ll see pretty quickly how out of control of your brain you are when you try to check your social media profiles less than for the over 60 minutes a day we are on Facebook out of the 80 times per day we check our phones on average or reduce frantic email checking to one to two blocks per day.

We all lose our ways over and over again. Recognize that as well. There is no final solution, other than becoming a hermit and moving off the grid and into a cabin in the woods. You will get sucked back into the digital spiral again and again.

But just start again.

Do another Digital Detox, reduce your screen time. Turn your phone off at the dinner table. Check your screen time - all phones do it now - and reduce it by 10 minutes per day for a week. Then push that number a little further. Fill that time with something worthwhile to reduce the temptation.

Whatever strategy you choose to go with, your non-digital brain and body will thank you for it and you’ll be living with more meaning again.

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