When Will I Notice A Difference With Floating?

When will I notice a difference from float therapy?

Right away, although 3 is the sweet spot for most people to really see a difference.

Like anything new, the first float is filled with excitement and anticipation.

You wonder what the experience is going to be like. Especially because it’s so hard to describe an experience that’s like no other.

There’s also the anticipation. How will you feel after?

Research on floating and from our own experience here at Flow Spa, you’ll feel very relaxed after just your first float, and most people really start to notice they can relax deeper And fully experience the benefits of floating after 3 floats.

The research-backed benefits for reducing anxiety, decreasing stress hormones and relieving back pain comes from just one 60-minute float session. And they improve even further with subsequent treatments.

This 60-minute length of time is important to point out because people often wonder how long they should do for their first float and we like to encourage people to relax into and get used to floating for an hour with their first visit.

30 minutes is possible and also very relaxing, but because of the newness of the float experience, it takes time to get settled in and situated.

Letting the music gradually fade out, even for longer than our suggested 10 minutes at the start can help in the first float, but many people are ready to completely let go and escape.

And because 3 floats is an ideal starting point to see if floating is a therapy that works best for your needs for stress management, relaxation, and recovery, we do offer a 3-float package which is $195 - new customers can get it for $165.

You can find that package available in our online store, or talk to the front desk at the spa


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