Why Wellness Matters Now More Than Ever

We all need wellness now more than ever.

Our mind and body and are tightly connected and we’ve watched as a see-saw of turmoil has tilted us back and forth this year.

It’s no wonder that our health and wellness is on the brink of disaster. Cold and flu season is still the same old story but we’re also seeing much higher rates of stress and anxiety. As we go into the darkest and coldest season, everyone is feeling the effects of being downtrodden.

This isn’t to say that it’s all doom and gloom.

This is a wake-up call.

Our wellness is essential for our own life satisfaction and for our ability to thrive as part of our family and our communities.

What are you doing to be well right now?

Practicing wellness isn’t about fads, it’s rooted in what our bodies and our minds inherently need for flourishing.

We’ve got to water our Life Garden.

Take some time to think about what practices you have done that led you to feel your best. Write a list of them and put it up somewhere that you will see it every day. Then try to do something on that list every day if possible, or as frequently as you can.

The more balance that we create each week for ourselves, the better we will feel over time.

The start of your journey to greater wellness doesn’t have to wait until some arbitrary start date or until the pandemic dies down.

We need it now more than ever, so start today.

Since the start of the first wave of COVID, I’ve been working hard with my friend Telsi to create a comprehensive wellness course that will help you weather the current storm that is the pandemic but live with greater health and vitality.

If you want early access to the course and special bonuses, click here to go to the special landing page for it over on our online learning platform at The Flow Academy.


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