Wellness RJ Kayser Wellness RJ Kayser

Everything You Need To Know About CBD, Briefly

You’ve certainly heard more buzz around CBD oil as it seems like every industry is capitalizing on this trend and making use or touting the benefits of CBD oil. But what exactly are the benefits of CBD and how does it work?

You’ve certainly heard more buzz around CBD oil as it seems like every industry is capitalizing on this trend and making use or touting the benefits of CBD oil. But what exactly are the benefits of CBD and how does it work?

Let’s break down the science of why CBD oil works to reduce pain in the body while improving mood and symptoms of anxiety.

calyx wellness cbd

CBD or cannabidiol is a component of the cannabis plant, you know, marijuana - the stuff that was recently legalized across Canada and no longer carries with it the old “refer madness” perspective. Now, I don’t think everyone is completely over the stigma of cannabis and may have sensitivity or allergies to hemp and while some companies, like Calyx Wellness which we carry at Flow Spa, do a great job creating a very pure and refined CBD oil, we’ll go over some alternatives for anyone looking for natural pain relief without CBD.

How CBD works

CBD is a fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) antagonist. You don’t have to remember this, but it increases anandamide in the body which then activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the brain and body. Anandamide is a neurotransmitter associated with euphoria - its name comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “joy, bliss, delight.” Sounds pretty good right? It also appears that higher than normal levels of anandamide in the brain and body can lead to reductions in anxiety, lack of fear, and enhancement of the immune system.

The Role of CB1 and CB2 Receptors

The CB1 and CB2 receptors are the main receptors of the endocannabinoid system. Early research into this system was shown to be the target of action for phytocannabinoids like THC and it wasn’t until later that scientists discovered anandamide’s activity on these receptors. CBD has a low affinity for the CB1 and CB2 receptors themselves but works indirectly on those pathways for pain and anxiety modulation through its action as a FAAH antagonist amongst other pharmacological mechanisms.

The CB1 receptor is located in the brain and central nervous system and is primarily associated with euphoria and mood regulation as it is targeted by cannabinoids like CBD, THC, and anandamide.

The CB2 receptor is located throughout the body as part of the pain signal pathway and modulates the inflammatory response in the body.

Because of the mechanisms of action, both CBD and THC can reduce pain and lead to improvements in mood, while CBD does so without the psychoactive effects of THC, meaning you won’t get high from CBD.

This makes CBD a very safe and effective way to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and mitigate pain and inflammation in the body without the harmful side effects that anxiolytics and over-the-counter pain medication has.

Globally, we’ve been seeing an increase in CBD use with both topical application and internal use for a wide range of conditions including:

  • anxiety including social anxiety and PTSD

  • depression

  • pain, including arthritis and fibromyalgia

  • stress symptoms

  • dermatological conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis

  • addiction and neurological conditions

  • sports performance

The dosage depends on body weight and the severity of the symptoms that you are trying to remedy. Most people will start out with more modest dosages of around 10-20 mg per day and gradually increase daily or every few days until the desired effect is attained.

What if you’re still unsure about CBD?


Plants have evolved incredible defence systems and pharmacological effects and through sheer human curiosity, we continue to find more promising ways to benefit as we experiment and learn about the effects of various plant compounds. Copaiba is an oleoresin coming from the Copaifera genus of South American trees that is concentrated in beta-caryophyllene or BCP. BCP is another compound that has been shown to directly act on the CB2 receptors, thus creating an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect throughout the body.

Copaiba essential oil from doTERRA is produced in its native regions of South America and cleanly distilled to pure essential oil making it safe for internal consumption where it can then take effect.

We carry Copaiba from doTERRA at Flow Spa and a few drops under the tongue or in your water each day can help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. Our customers have told us that taking Copaiba daily has reduced their pain and arthritis symptoms to such an extent that their health care practitioners are impressed with the progress they’ve been making.

Genuine Health Natural Pain Relief

genuine health pain relief

At Flow Spa we also carry the full line of Genuine Health products - a company renowned for their commitment to excellence in quality and research validating the effectiveness of their products. Several of the products from Genuine Health are specifically formulated for safe and effective natural pain relief, both acute pain symptoms and more chronic symptoms. Their fast pain relief+ product is used for acute symptoms of pain and works more effectively than Aspirin at blocking pain within 2 hours.

In addition to this, Genuine Health has a selection of specifically tailored long-term and chronic pain remedies that work for moderate-to-severe joint pain and arthritis in as little as 5 days. The most beneficial aspect of these products though is not just the reduction in pain symptoms but that rather than just blocking pain signals, they actually work on the root cause of the pain by reducing inflammation in the body to promote healing.

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Floating, Wellness RJ Kayser Floating, Wellness RJ Kayser

How Debbie Relaxed For Two Days Pain-Free After Float Therapy

The first voicemail was a courtesy call from Debbie to thank me, no need to call back. Debbie hadn’t had pain all day and didn’t have to take her usual cornucopia of pills.

The second call we received later from Debbie was even better…

The first voicemail was a courtesy call from Debbie to thank me; no need to call back. Debbie hadn’t had pain all day and didn’t have to take her usual cornucopia of pills.

The second call we received later from Debbie was even better…



The healing potential of the float tank is quite incredible.

It’s hard to say just how and what benefits will come to any individual until they’ve entered through the doors of our float centre and stepped into another world of relaxation.

I’ve previously talked about how floating alleviates my back pain - a byproduct of years of heavy weightlifting - and this is something that has shown to be scientifically validated. There’s documentation consistent with these personal findings.

The oftentimes more amazing results come at the fringe of research where ongoing studies are working through the process of confirming hypotheses. This is where someone comes in not knowing if they will simply get an hour of deep relaxation and peace or if it will go further in alleviating deep-seated pains that have been persistent for years.

It’s been happening just like this so far at Flow Spa. A cosmic roll of the dice. What bonus gift will be dished out to our next customer? Will it be better sleep, a quieting of the mind, or the blessed release from the mortal coil of chronic pain?

It’s been happening more often than not and that’s why I’m convinced it’s only a matter of time before the ongoing research confirms these further benefits.

Everyone gets the relaxation once they get past the learning curve of the first 15 minutes or so. What’s on top of it is the icing on the cake.

From ages 13 to 89 we’ve already facilitated an amazing experience to an incredibly diverse group of customers but some still stand out as having their lives do a complete 180º after visiting us for a float.



Another phone call was received several days later. Debbie was ecstatic. She couldn’t believe that she’d had two full days free from pain. The first time in what felt like an eternity.

Everything becomes better and easier when you’re not constantly in pain.

All the difficult times seem worth it when our customers become our friends and feel such gratitude for what we’ve been able to offer them.

This is why we float.

Book Your Float Today

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Floating RJ Kayser Floating RJ Kayser

How To Use Float Therapy To Help Treat Your Back Pain

As a competitive strongman athlete, I’m no stranger to back pain. Whether it’s the usual soreness that comes after deadlifting 700 lb. or the occasional low back muscle strain that leaves me out of commission for several days to weeks, back pain is unsurprisingly common in strongman.

Floating For Pain Relief Series - Part 1

Why do you float?

There are many ways that a float tank can be used to improve your life; from mental health to chronic pain to sports performance, float therapy has a truly impressive resume of benefits. In this series, we’re going to dive into the different benefits of floating and see what both the research and the people floating on a regular basis say about the benefits of this futuristic recovery vessel.

The focus of this first series of posts will be around pain, both chronic and acute, and how the warmth and density of the Epsom salt-filled waters work like a fountain of youth for all kinds of pain conditions.

As a competitive strongman athlete, I’m no stranger to back pain. Whether it’s the usual soreness that comes after deadlifting 700 lb. or the occasional low back muscle strain that leaves me out of commission for several days to weeks, back pain is unsurprisingly common in strongman.

Staying one step ahead of my injuries is the best remedy of all and combined with more acute treatments at the time a flare-up of back pain occurs, I’m able to get right back to training and competing sooner. In addition to daily stretching and movement to keep my muscles firing correctly, floating has become a key component of my recovery protocol for staying in the game. Floating not only to allow my mind to rest and focus better but because the support and buoyancy of the float tank solution allow all of the muscles in my back to completely relax while also decompressing my spine.

This therapeutic effect of float tanks on muscle tension pain, particularly in the back and neck, has been researched and shown to provide a significant benefit compared to a control group receiving no treatment for their pain (Kjellgren et al., 2000).

As I relax into the float tank to start my session, all the pressure and tension in my low back starts to drift away immediately. After a few minutes of finding my perfect position, I can almost start to feel my back elongate and decompress and in a much gentler way than if I were to use an inversion table or hang from a pull-up bar to stretch out. This becomes much more noticeable when you get out of the float tank after your session and you can feel yourself stand taller.

This has been reported almost unanimously as one of the most dramatic and immediate improvements that floating can offer as kyphotic customers leave their float sessions standing tall and proud once more.

Bulged discs get the relief they need to heal and over time subside.

Neck pain from being desk-bound or due to whiplash and traumatic accidents are no match, as your body is gently relaxed and supported from all directions to return to the most natural position possible.

But the benefits of floating for treating pain don’t end with back and neck tension. As we continue this series on floating for pain, you’ll find out even more about the myriad ways that float therapy can benefit both acute and chronic pain syndromes.

Book Your Float at Flow Spa in Peterborough today.

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