Float Into A New Way To Relax and Feel Your Best This Summer

After being cooped up for most of 2020 and the start of this year, we’ve all been eager to get back to some level of normal and that means prioritizing self-care as well.

Floating is one of the best ways to improve almost any experience, whether it’s through the serenity of practicing self-care alone or to help with recovery as you get back to doing the other things your love after many months off.

The Cooldown Float

As we get back into our workout routines and local sports leagues, floating after you get your heart rate up can be a great way to bring it back to baseline.

Research shows that athletes at any skill level who incorporate floating into their training and recovery programs are able to recover faster and increase their performance more than without floating.

Because the water in the float tank is the same as skin temperature, you won’t overheat. Floating helps to reduce blood pressure so you’ll come out of the float feeling restored post-workout.

Appreciate the Little Things

The post-float glow that comes after getting out of the float tank is one of the greatest blissed out feelings that we can have. And this is a perfect time to stop and appreciate the beauty around you.

Your senses become heightened after the sensory reduced environment of the tank, so there’s no better time to stop and smell the roses, literally! As all of our senses are vibing out after a float, food tastes better, music sounds better, and sunshine feels cozier than ever after getting out of a float.

So take some extra me time after your next float this summer to snuggle with your pets or relax and enjoy the sun in a hammock. You will come to find you’ll appreciate new things about these experiences.

Floating Into The Sunset

This already sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it? Given how much floating relaxes us and adjusts our reactionary behaviours, many floaters will adjust their schedules for the rest of the day after a float.

Sunset is one of the most magical times of the day and we need to more often stop and bask in the awesomeness of it. Finding a good spot to watch the sunset like at the lake, during a hike, or on a patio is always a worthwhile moment to pause for and that much better after a float has turned down the chatter going on in your head.

With longer days in the summer, it’s easier to book an afternoon or evening float to unwind and still time it perfectly to get to your favourite lookout to watch the sunset.

Float when you go on vacation

As your local float centre, we hope that you think of Flow Spa as, if not a second home, at least a second living room, and one of your favourite places to go. For regular floaters, it can feel like a trade-off when going on vacation because we miss out on the comforts of our familiar float tank routines.

But just because you’re out of town or on vacation doesn’t mean you have to give up your regular floats. There are float centres starting in more and more towns all the time. It can be fun to see how other float centres operate and if you find any cool ideas, be sure to let us know!

Floating is also beneficial for resetting your circadian rhythms so if you’re feeling jet lag from travelling, it can really help you to stay on track with your schedule.

Be sure to book an extra float with us when you get back to continue on that vacation feeling and make the transition easier as you return home.

Late night floats are great for winding down

Whether it’s gathering with friends and family again after so long, or getting back into a workout routine, we’re all trying to make the most out of this summer and doing it big. It’s important not to overextend yourself when celebrating or getting out more often to stay healthy and avoid burning out as your capacity ramps back up.

Whether you’re training for a marathon or long-distance bike ride, crossing things off your bucket list, or just hanging out at late night bonfires to take back this summer, going for a float as a way to decompress and recover is going to help you to prevent exhaustion and burnout.

And this list just barely scratches the surface of all the ways you are likely going to make the most of this summer. But hopefully it gives you some inspiration to make floating a part of your summer routine as a reminder to appreciate the small things that we so often take for granted.

After a year of forgotten dreams and quiet isolation, let’s make the rest of this summer worth the wait and float to make the most of it!


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